EEWB Partners
Ethiopian Educators Without Borders (EEWB) List of Partners

Consortium for International Management, Policy & Development

Global Medical Libraries
Global Medical Libraries will significantly enhance the initial and continuing medical education of healthcare professionals in communities crippled by the lack of materials, with which to teach, learn and provide healthcare of all kind, through donated medical education resources.
Valerie Walker, Founder
The AASDO-ESAN Books for Ethiopia at Books for Africa

A school girl in Asela
The AASDO Mission has been very active in securing books for schools in Asella-Arsi areas. Following this experience we expand our work to include many schools, colleges and universities in collaboration with the Ethiopian Scientific and Academic (ESAN)community. Our plan is to raise funds to ship 5 or more containers of books, used computers and used sport’s gear and soccer balls. The books will be distributed to schools where the logistics of the acquisition and delivery are considered smooth and reliable.
Donate here directly at BFA Website
Donate here directly at Our Crowdfunding Site
እርካብ-Erkab: ለመጭው ትውልድ እርካብ ይሁኑ
We are a community of Ethiopian students and professionals in the State of Texas. We are reaching out to you because we’ve started a GoFundMe እርካብ-Erkab project. Erkab is a project started under ቅንድል ኢትዮጵያ- Kindel Ethiopia in collaboration with ESAN (Ethiopian Scientific and Academic Network) and Education Without Borders. It aims to collect textbooks for high schools, colleges, and universities in Ethiopia. It is run by Ethiopian college students based in Texas. In addition to collecting textbooks, we are planning to provide school supplies and build an online book database (a website) for our fellow youth students in Ethiopia. The funds raised for this project will be used to buy and ship the books and school materials collected to the target area with the help of Books for Africa. We are counting on your heartfelt support to reach our goal!
Please support our effort to support ESAN book projects. The website for our crowd funding is located at
The one dollar Campaign Crowd Funding
In Africa we say the ocean started with a drop of water. In this fund raising you will be that drop of water to make the oceans. We are a worldwide Ethiopian community dedicated to support needy Ethiopian children on child at a time. This is a one dollar campaign to support needy students in the town of Asela, Ethiopia, located on Eastern coast of Africa. The donation is paid online here or if you prefer mail just one US dollar or a dollar equivalent of international currency redeemable in Ethiopia. In order to participate you must be my facebook or join the One Dollar Campaign group facebook group. This way we can give you full report of on the impact of your contribution. All the money goes to the students. The students are identified by the teachers and community elders. The money will be used for scholarships, meals, and purchase of uniform.
Please participate in this crowd funding activity by following this website
UniKids Recycle School Supplies
Our mission
(1)To provide new and gently used school supplies and educational materials to students in developing countries, (2) To foster a strong relationship between schools/students in developing and developed countries, (3) To ensure that grade-level students in developing countries are equipped with the educational materials they need to enhance their daily school activities.
Ethiopian Institute of Early Childhood Education (EIECE)
EIECE is dedicated to improve, advance, expand and prioritize early childhood care and education in Ethiopia by supporting existing schools, creating new programs, partnering with institutions and implementing a Pk-16 approach in the education system. Click here to go to the website
Global Knowledge Exchange Network
Global Knowledge Exchange Network, GKEN, is a non-profit organisation which was established in 2010. The organisation’s main aim is to create a scientific platform for Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia – academics, researchers and practitioners – in order to implement GKEN’s noble goal of improving the quality of higher education in Ethiopia and across Africa by facilitating the exchanging of knowledge and sharing of experiences amongst the scientific community. Bearing in mind the massive potential of African scientific knowledge scattered across the globe on the one hand and the challenges to unlock it on the other, GKEN has been working hard to connect the human capital of Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia in order to help improve the quality of education in Ethiopia and in the wider continent. To this end, GKEN has been organising and hosting yearly international conferences since 2011. GKEN has also been actively involved in championing the noble cause of knowledge exchange and experience sharing by supervising and mentoring PhD and Masters level candidates and delivering block teaching in several academic institutions across Ethiopia. (Prof Amare Desta, Chair And EDMA Director)
Hope For Special Education, Inc.
As recently as 2015, it has been estimated that at least one in seven Ethiopians have a disability. In Ethiopia, disability is traditionally considered to be a “curse,” so families, as well as communities, discriminate against people with disabilities. In the past, only 0.7% of disabled people in Ethiopia have had access to education. This situation has been changing as education for the disabled in Ethiopia is becoming more and more inclusive. However, significant barriers to education for those with disabilities remain. Past efforts have relied on bringing in foreign educators to provide direct services to children with special needs. A new approach is needed to train local trainers and educators who come from and will remain in the communities being served. Hope promotes an awareness campaign as we support the Special Needs Education Division in understanding students as individual learners with unique needs and learning styles. We seek to assist local communities in developing their own capacity for addressing needs related to autism and other developmental disabilities, evaluation, diagnosis, speech & language, occupational therapy, sensory integration, behavioural interventions, special education models, social skills development, and nutrition. This train-the-trainer approach builds long term sustainability for these skill sets among community residents themselves rather than building a reliance on foreign assistance. Likewise, by including local residents in the development of a special needs school, a sustainable model will be created that is replicable by many other local communities throughout Ethiopia.
Aida Amare CEO/Founder –Tel: +1-310-489-2442 Fax: +1-866-530-4996
What is STEM education? STEM education refers to education in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). For more than a decade, STEM Synergy has implemented many successful STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in Ethiopia and nearby countries. OUR MOTTO, “THINK BIG. EXPLORE THE WORLD. SOLVE SOCIETAL PROBLEMS.”
Ethiopian Airlines: The Spirit of Africa

Infinity Management Inc.
Founder Mel Tewahade: Infinity Wealth Management Inc was created to better serve clients by disrupting the traditional business model and culture of the wealth management industry. We are fiercely committed to striking the optimal balance between professional values and business values by combining:
Top-decile, accomplished advisors
A fiduciary-minded, client-centric, & collaborative culture
An unwavering commitment to learning and innovation in order to build a solution suite of resources designed to solve for and reduce complexity in the wealth management process.
Call for Research and Conference Papers & Conference Announcement-December 19-20, 2019
In association with Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers, Association of Ethiopian Architects, Ethiopian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Ethiopian Society of Chemical Engineers, Ethiopian Society of Electrical Engineers, and Ethiopian Urban Planners Association, ETHIOPIA 2050 International Steering-Committee (ET2050 ISC) invites you to present a research paper and conference paper to this international conference
APSA Science et Technology Challenge: Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development
The Association for the Promotion of Sciences in Africa (APSA, organized a competition for technology and innovation for sustainable development in African counties, and resolutely turned towards new technologies. The competition concerned health, society, education and international relations, but its main objective was to promote Africa’s scientific and technological progress. Participants submitted a project or prototype (device) offering a sustainable development solution. Their innovations focusses on clean energy production, waste management, water treatment, health support, transportation, electronics and automation, computer science, food safety, and more. After 5 months of preparation for the candidates and 3 months of selection, five prizes are awarded to the best projects selected by an international jury panel at a science fair. Recently Ethiopia and Cameroon hosted the challenge
We believe that unleashing the full potential of scientists worldwide is our best hope for fighting global diseases, feeding our growing population, and protecting our planet. With your help, we can equip all scientists with the tools, training, and connections they need to be on the cutting edge of global discovery.
50 Milk Street, 16th floor
Boston, MA 02109 USA