Inspiring Stars

Posted on : November 27, 2018 |post in : |Comments Off on Inspiring Stars |


Ethiopian Scientific and Academic Network
A network of Ethiopian Educators without Borders
Contact: Dr. Abebe Kebede  by

EEWB2018: Inspiring Stars

Host Institutions: Arsi University/ MoST/AAU/AASTU/Debre Birhan University/ Bahir Dar University/ University of Gondar/ Debre Tabor University/Woldia University

V. Workshop on inclusion: skill  and Human development  in Astronomy:  Inspiring stars (Maria Rosaria D’Antonio, Lina Canas, Wanda Diaz  and Abebe Kebede)

Ethiopia hosts successful initiatives for inclusion targeting skill development . Astronomy as a science related to all individuals has an inherent potential to motivate the curios-exploration leading to skill development and immersion in the work-field.   At the same time work and educative environments have to provide for participants with disabilities and/or impairments to use their own skills at their own maximum and provide a fair  environment promoting progress and fairness at both didactic ( from school to University) and professional work field).   Through this workshop aimed mainly at teachers and university lecturers, Inspiring stars aims to foster the inclusivity network started at the Gondar School of Science and Technology  in 2013 and through that pursue a change of mindset aiming for equal and egalitarian participation in the sciences.

This workshop share tools for assisting teachers supporting learners that are visually impaired to learn mathematics and astronomy concepts like scales.   The materials used are easily assembled and may improvised for anywhere.  The workshop also showcases the initiative Inspiring Stars. Inspiring Stars showcases initiatives taking place around the world and aims to motivate interested people around the globe to continue the work and collaborate for equal participation using the science of astronomy


IV.  Ethiopian Astronomy Indigenous knowledge- Developing conventions for translations and transliterations: Approach to Astronomy and Space Science Vocabulary Conventions (Promoter: Abebe Kebede)

The Ethiopians have a tradition of star lore s and legends. In the distant past the knowledge of astronomy and mathematics was abundant. Books such as the mysteries of heaven and earth, the book of Enoch and Abu shaker are devoted to this knowledge. There is a large body of indigenous knowledge of astronomy that people use to keep time. This presentation proposes the development of carefully studied conventions for adoption and transliteration of scientific terms including those used in contemporary astrophysical and  special studies. The proposed conventions

Convention-Tangible (CT): Identification and adoption indigenous names for celestial object Cosmology, celestial processes and events drawn out of Ethiopian experiences, languages and cultures.
Convention Intangibles (CI1): Ethiopia possesses historical landmarks, historical and mythological figures, festivals, scripts and alphabets. Upon agreement such intangibles can be used to name celestial objects and special physical characteristics of stars.

Astronomy and Space Science Resources: Great for teachers and students ለተማሪዎቺና፡ ለአስተማሪዎች በጣም ተቃሚ፡ የሆኑ የህብረ ከዋክብትና የጠፈር ትምህርትና ጥናት መዛግብት።
Books for Africa: Please support Our Book Drive for Ethiopian Schools:>የአስላና የአርሲ የትምህርት፡ እድገት፡ ድርጅት( አአትአድ)፡ ስድስት፡ ሺ፡ መጻሕፍት፡ ለራስ፡ ዳርጌ፡ ትምህርት፡ ቤት፡ ይልካል። ይህንን ጉዳይ፡ ልማሳካት፡ ድርጅቱ፡ ከ መጻሕፍት ለአፍሪቃ፡ ጋር፡ በመተባበር ነዉ። ይህንን፡ ታላቅ፡ ጉዳይ፡ በስራ፡ ላይ፡ ለማዋል፡ የገንዘብ፡ ርዳታ፡ እየሰበሰበ፡ ስለሆነ፤ እርስዎም በበኩልዎ የተቻለዎትን ዕርዳታ እንዲያደርጉ
The Secrets of Ethiopiaየኢትዮጵያ፡ ሚስጥራት፦  ይሕ፡ መዝገብ፡  የሚያሳያው፡ ካሶፒያ፡ ሕብረ፡ ከዋክብት፡ ዉስጥ፡  የሚገኙ፡ ሁለት፡ ሕዋወ፡አካላትን፡ ነው። እነዚህ፡ አካላት፡ አዳዲስ፡ ከዋክብት፡ የሚፈጠሩባቸው፡ ቦታዎች፡ ናቸው። በብዙ፡ ቢሊዮን፡ የሚቆጠሩ፡ ተመሳሳይ፡ አካላት፡ በሕዋዉ፡ ተሰራጭትው፡ ይገኛሉ።

Theme Designed Bymarksitbd