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June 21 Annular Solar Eclipse
Astronomers without Borders- 16000 Recycled Glasses to Africa Live Stream on Time Date African Annular Solar Eclipse June 21 2020 The African Annular Solar Eclipse happens on June 21 2020, on the day of the summer solstice.. According to this crude google map the eclipse begins in south central Africa and head into Southern Sudan […]
Observe With NASA: Harvard Microobservatory Ethiopian Astronomy and Space Facilities/Assets Entoto Observatory: Location, History, Capability, images taken by the telescope ETRSS-1 Satellite: Tracking website, capability, recent images from space, Lalibela Observatory: Location, History, Status, Recent images Magnetometer Networks, GPS networks for Heliophysics Studies: History and Locations. Education and Outreach programs: Recent past and current activities, […]
ESAN Seminars in Advances in Materials Background ESAN Seminars on Advances in Materials brings together authorities of material science of African origin. and their colleagues around the world for the purpose of advancing education and research in material science. The seminars will become a forum to devise strategies for a sustained development of these fields […]
Biography of Participants Wanda Diaz Merced , PhD: I am affiliated with the University of Colorado Boulder and the University of Harvard. My interests are high energy astrophysics ( variable stars), the solar wind (interaction with cosmic rays), Inclusion and multisensorial perusal of big data. I would like to serve in the publication group and […]
Space Generation
[Eclipse 2020][Experiment][For Teachers][For Students][Greeks and Ethiopia][Ethiopia and The Arabs][Ethiopia and The Sabaeans][Ethiopia and its Astronomy][Ethiopia Timeline][Astronomy Picture of the Day] 1st ESAN Solstice Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science June 20, 2020 ምስጢረ ከዋክብት-ምስጢረ ከዋክብት -ስለ ሰማየ ሰማያት አወቃቀርና ጥናት እንማር Theme: Advances in Astronomy From Book of Enoch to ETRSS-1 and Beyond ZOOM […]
The Andre Tweed Collection of Ethiopic Manuscripts
ESAN/EWB –ONEPUPIL Workshop on The Andre Tweed Collection of Ethiopic Manuscripts of Howard University School of Divinity on Beta Metsaheft (Alice Ogden Bellis* Stephen Delamarter Ralph Lee–*Howard University) Time: 9:00AM EST US (4:00PM Ethiopian) June 6 2020–Place: ZOOM Topic: Tweed Collection of Ethiopic Manuscripts of Howard University School of Divinity on Beta MetsaheftTime: Jun 6, […]
COVID19 Drugs and Vaccine Development
Discussion on Drugs and Vaccine Development May 20, 2020 at 9 AM EST (4 PM Ethiopia) Seminar and discussion on drugs and vaccines development for #COVID19. Our speaker Dr. Bisrat Hailemeskel has extensive experience in pharmaceutical development and teaching. We will be joined by various participants from the US and Ethiopia. Belhu Metaferia, PhD is inviting you […]