Ethiopian Journal of Science
Ethiopian Journal of Science is a publication of the ESAN
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- Establish the tradition of continent wide scientific publication,
- Generate collaborations among Ethiopian scientists world wide
- Promote understanding among the peoples of Ethiopia using scientific information
The publication of an article involves several steps one of which is peer review. Once we receive your article, it will be sent to three qualified peer reviewers to determine if the standards set by the Journal are met.
- Validity: Is the work scientifically sound ?
- Importance: Does the manuscript report substantial research ?
- Interest: Is the manuscript of broad interest ?
Summary of Types of PublicationsProceedings: we will publish online regular education and research related proceedings in science, mathematics, engineering and technology fields. The proceedings may originate from workshops, schools, symposia and conferences.
Review articles: We will publish review articles in all fields of Arts, Humanities and Science
Letter to the editor: Critical reviews education and research, and its uses for society in the form of letter to the editor
Target Audience:The public and the academic community